This is going to be an interesting change of pace for this recurring sketch. Ha, judging from the unusual demeanor of Molly’s character at the beginning of this, is she tipsy on eggnog? Margaret Jo & Terry drink eggnog & welcome rock & roll pastry chef (host) Another good facial expression from Jim, this time when silently reacting to Jack confronting him with the obligatory quote from “A Few Good Men”. Surprisingly, this is the first time Jack Nicholson has ever appeared on SNL. Hmm, Colin’s impression actually wasn’t all that terrible, showing that anyone can do a Nicholson (except Cheri Oteri, apparently, though her impression was still pretty funny). Ha, Colin’s about to try a Jack Nicholson? Well, this sure is going to be a case of “so bad, it’s funny”. Very funny Jack Nicholson impression from Jim, especially the facial expressions he’s making. Pretty funny bit spoofing Helen’s hairstyle similarities with Hanson, by having her claim she’s the oldest member of Hanson, complete with a doctored photo being shown of her singing with them. Jack Nicholson responds to castmembers’ impressions of him Overall, I feel this is the best Culps sketch I’ve reviewed up to this point. Another great song transition, with Nat King Cole’s “The Christmas Song” turning into “99 Luftballoons”. I absolutely love how the Culps transitioned from the “two turtle doves” part of the “12 Days of Christmas” song into Prince’s “When Doves Cry”. Lots of funny lines among the pre-song pleasantries the Culps are trying to have with the off-camera person who’s perspective we’re seeing. This is the debut of Tim’s recurring Spanish teacher character from these sketches. And now, to make this Culps installment even more out-of-the-ordinary, we get the Culps being joined by two additional singers, played by Helen Hunt and Tim.

Not only are they out of their usual setting, but they’re being shown from a first-person perspective. An interestingly out-of-the-ordinary use of The Culps. Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 starsĬarollers Marty & Bobbi work pop songs into their Christmas medley