
What is teradici pcoip
What is teradici pcoip

what is teradici pcoip

It gives the end user the ability to harness the power of high-end towers, blade servers or rack workstations by converting them into. Securely deliver high-performance desktops to knowledge workers and power users requiring even the most graphics-intensive applications. Zapewnia wysok jako uytkowania kadej osobie, w dowolnym miejscu, za porednictwem.


Upgrade and manage your existing PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards or buy more from our OEM partners to harness the power of high-end towers, blade servers, or rack workstations and connect users anywhere to their graphics intensive applications, designs, and images. Not only does the PCoIP Remote Workstation card allow end users to capitalize on their existing hardware, but they can also leverage zero clients on the front end to work remotely with their day-to-day hardware. Protokó PCoIP firmy Teradici to innowacyjna technologia zdalnego ekranu, która pozwala aplikacjom i danym (bez opuszczania centrum danych lub chmury), na obrazowanie i edycj w dowolnym miejscu, eliminujc potrzeb na tradycyjne stanowiska i PC.

What is teradici pcoip